Best quotes by Rahm Emanuel on People

Checkout quotes by Rahm Emanuel on People

  • Everybody knows they're on the Obama team: There isn't vice presidential vs. presidential division, there's not a generational pull. People have internalized that this is a real moment in history.
    - Rahm Emanuel
  • I sometimes joke, Paula, even paranoid people have enemies.
    - Rahm Emanuel
  • The American people... want change. They want big ideas, big reform.
    - Rahm Emanuel
  • When people told me 'It's great to be here', they meant at the house, not with me.
    - Rahm Emanuel
  • In the White House, you can be on the pitcher's mound or you can be in the catcher's position. Put points on the board. Show people you can govern. Deliver on what you said you were going to deliver on.
    - Rahm Emanuel