Best quotes by Jon Huntsman, Sr. on Money

Checkout quotes by Jon Huntsman, Sr. on Money

  • I have always given money away. I haven't always been wealthy - the opposite, in fact. But I have always felt that I wanted people to share it with me.
    - Jon Huntsman, Sr.
  • I love to give money away. I don't know if it makes my children and grandchildren all that happy.
    - Jon Huntsman, Sr.
  • The time to give away money is when you make it.
    - Jon Huntsman, Sr.
  • I was honored to start a small business and to borrow an enormous amount of money and to build piece upon piece, place upon place, building upon building and product upon product, throughout the United States and eventually Europe and facilities around the world.
    - Jon Huntsman, Sr.
  • I've always thought that people who left a great deal of money in their will never enjoyed the great honor and privilege and heart-rendering feeling of giving to others during their lifetime, because they were too selfish to give to others while they were alive, so they made sure they were dead and couldn't use it anymore.
    - Jon Huntsman, Sr.
  • I'm the only one in America who belongs to the 'Cure Cancer' party, so if you give money to cancer, like Harry Reid and Max Baucus, some of these guys really helped us raise big money for cancer, I give them big money for their reelections.
    - Jon Huntsman, Sr.
  • People who put money in the church basket and people who go to church and pay the pastor: that isn't real philanthropy; that's just like you belong to a country club. You pay your dues to belong to that church, so you pay your tithing or whatever it is.
    - Jon Huntsman, Sr.
  • As a senior in high school with no money working several jobs, I was sent to a wonderful school on the East Coast by a wonderful Jewish man. I've never forgotten that. I've sent over 5,000 young people to school around the world in memory of him because he was so gracious to me.
    - Jon Huntsman, Sr.