Best quotes by Taavet Hinrikus on Technology

Checkout quotes by Taavet Hinrikus on Technology

  • The world is getting smaller thanks to technology.
    - Taavet Hinrikus
  • People bought bitcoin because they thought it would be worth more tomorrow. And a lot of people got lucky. But we're not seeing real people use bitcoin. And we don't know what problem it solves. Now, blockchain, I think, is a genius advancement in technology.
    - Taavet Hinrikus
  • As technology progresses, I believe that fintech will fundamentally change finance.
    - Taavet Hinrikus
  • The technology is not an end in itself: it is a tool. It can make it easier for us to communicate or manage our finances. It can help us take care of our health or help policemen in their work. It can create jobs and boost growth. It can enhance transparency and accessibility to services.
    - Taavet Hinrikus
  • A seed depends on a whole host of factors to grow - from the fertility of the soil to the right mix of rain and sun to not being eaten by a passing bird. The same goes for an idea. For an idea to really take hold, other factors come into play, from timing to the emerging technology that makes it possible.
    - Taavet Hinrikus
  • We're living in a world where international governance is failing to overcome borders, but technology is succeeding in removing them.
    - Taavet Hinrikus
  • When we talk about technology changing the world, we often hear about how it makes our lives easier, more connected, safer, or even healthier. They're all things we can easily identify with. The Internet makes our lives easier; services like Skype and WhatsApp allows us to be more connected - the examples are endless.
    - Taavet Hinrikus