Best quotes by Chris Tarrant on World

Checkout quotes by Chris Tarrant on World

  • A big percentage of the Argentine economy is founded on beef ranching, and they produce steaks the size of dustbin lids. Malbec is the finest red wine in the world, and most restaurants have a wide selection.
    - Chris Tarrant
  • Without the railways, the Holocaust wouldn't have happened. I don't actually think the second world war would have happened without them.
    - Chris Tarrant
  • There's a point at which we have to control our borders. The bottom line is the world is full up and the population on the planet is getting bigger and bigger and there ain't much room any more. So, how's it going to work? I don't know.
    - Chris Tarrant
  • I didn't realise the depth of horror that happened in the Second World War every day.
    - Chris Tarrant
  • I love being British but our railways are shocking. We are so inured to how appalling our railways are. And the idea in almost any other country in the world that leaves on the line would be a problem!
    - Chris Tarrant