Best quotes by Larry David on Me

Checkout quotes by Larry David on Me

  • The lunch in a normal American restaurant is very problematic for me. I don't like to have hot food for lunch.
    - Larry David
  • Even though the National Guard and Army Reserve see combat today, it rankles me that people assume it was some kind of waltz in the park back then.
    - Larry David
  • My defensiveness in life really helps me as a driver.
    - Larry David
  • My life has changed. I'm not walking around any more wishing I wasn't me, which was the case at one time.
    - Larry David
  • And eventually as I kept writing it, something emerged that was not quite me but a version of me.
    - Larry David
  • I never thought for a second that anything I ever did was going to make someone cringe. That never occurred to me.
    - Larry David
  • It began to dawn on me that perhaps my country needed me more at home than overseas.
    - Larry David
  • No, I am a crier and if people ever saw me privately they would be shocked at what a bowl of mush I am underneath it all.
    - Larry David
  • At first, I didn't realize it was gonna be a character. I just thought I was gonna be doing me.
    - Larry David
  • Drugs scared me.
    - Larry David
  • I don't think anyone really is interested in reading about my emotional state. It's not even interesting to me.
    - Larry David
  • It has to do - I think - with growing up in an apartment, with my aunt and my cousins right next door to me, with the door open, with neighbors walking in and out, with people yelling at each other all the time.
    - Larry David