Best quotes by Avigdor Lieberman on World

Checkout quotes by Avigdor Lieberman on World

  • Israel has been absent for many years from entire regions in the world.
    - Avigdor Lieberman
  • Every place in the world where there are two peoples - two religions, two languages - there is friction and conflict.
    - Avigdor Lieberman
  • Without any doubt, the Iranian threat is the biggest threat facing the Jewish people since the Second World War.
    - Avigdor Lieberman
  • It is hard to find a country friendlier to Israel than Canada these days. No other country in the world has demonstrated such a full understanding of us.
    - Avigdor Lieberman
  • Iran is the base of an axis of evil which is a problem for all the world.
    - Avigdor Lieberman
  • We do not ask Israeli Arabs to share in the Zionist dream. We are asking them to accept that Israel is a Jewish state - the only one in the world.
    - Avigdor Lieberman
  • Damascus is the center of world terror. All these organizations, Jihad and Hamas, their headquarters are in Damascus. Syria supports Hezbollah.
    - Avigdor Lieberman
  • Al Jazeera has abandoned even the semblance of a credible media outlet, and it broadcasts - both within Gaza and outside it, to the world - anti-Semitic incitement, lies, provocation, and encouragement to terrorists.
    - Avigdor Lieberman