Best quotes by Tim O'Reilly on Change

Checkout quotes by Tim O'Reilly on Change

  • I think Microsoft will have to change. I think that the business of Microsoft, the company of Microsoft, is going to continue to succeed. But I think the business model of Microsoft is going to have to change.
    - Tim O'Reilly
  • At O'Reilly, the way we think about our business is that we're not a publisher; we're not a conference producer; we're a company that helps change the world by spreading the knowledge of innovators.
    - Tim O'Reilly
  • It's hard to make something as large as a government change. It's a little bit like building the transcontinental railroad.
    - Tim O'Reilly
  • This whole idea of visibility by the public creates a pretty powerful lever. In the new transparency era, you are able to make change you would otherwise have difficulty making. It's no longer possible for somebody just to bury the problem. It's the reason why things like WikiLeaks are important.
    - Tim O'Reilly
  • Everybody's enamored of the iPhone, the Google phone. But the applications are going to change. You know, we're going to start using our phones for shopping. It's going to change the nature of advertising.
    - Tim O'Reilly