Best quotes by Brittany Howard on Music

Checkout quotes by Brittany Howard on Music

  • I always felt out of place. I wasn't a cool kid, but I wasn't a nerd, either. I had trouble finding my place. But when I found the music, I had a place of my own.
    - Brittany Howard
  • Even if nobody cared, I'm still gonna make music.
    - Brittany Howard
  • I'm not really into EDM music; I really like when someone plays their instrument and stuff. But I saw Deadmau5 at a festival, and it was pretty tight, I have to admit. He's got the giant mouse head on and tubes coming out of the ceiling and giant mirror glass things.
    - Brittany Howard
  • I don't care what you're playing. You can be playing EDM music. Well, guess what? That came out in the early '80s. There's no way to be original. All you can do is put yourself into it and do the best you can.
    - Brittany Howard
  • It'll help you be imaginative if you listen to classical music. It helps you understand dynamics and how important they are to create an environment.
    - Brittany Howard
  • To me, if you're a musician, then you're interested in music, and if you're interested in music, then you should listen to a lot of different types.
    - Brittany Howard
  • I've had some terrible jobs, but working in a kitchen at Cracker Barrel is probably the worst I've ever had. I was a grill cook - awful! It wasn't the smell, it was the people. The music, too. We had to be 'country fresh,' so they played this terrible country music eight hours during the shift. It was a bleak existence - a very dark time.
    - Brittany Howard
  • We had a music teacher in sixth grade, and I saw her tune her guitar. I said, 'Whoa. There's a certain way to do this.' I bought a packet of strings - some of mine were broken - and had her tune it for me. For a while, I just kept it like that. But I got the Internet finally, when I was 14, and started learning.
    - Brittany Howard