Best quotes by Thomas Chatterton Williams on People

Checkout quotes by Thomas Chatterton Williams on People

  • A lot of people say there's no such thing as cancel culture and then you name an example and they're, like, 'That person deserved it,' so then there is cancel culture, but it works in its accountability.
    - Thomas Chatterton Williams
  • White people have basically been encouraged for most of recent history in America to think of themselves as outside of race. White people do have race. They need to understand how their race has been constructed as artificially as everybody else's.
    - Thomas Chatterton Williams
  • I think that unlearning race for black people is more along the lines of seriously saying blackness isn't real, race isn't real.
    - Thomas Chatterton Williams
  • If white people on a larger scale really de-emphasized their whiteness, I think that would have to transform the Republican party into a more responsible party that couldn't get by on just playing into white resentment, especially white middle and working class resentment while taking care of the interests of plutocrats.
    - Thomas Chatterton Williams
  • For me, what disturbs me about some of the conversations on the left is that you get the impression that times are so divisive, that there's so much discomfort with what Trump has exposed, that some people on the left don't actually have the goal of a kind of racially transcendent future. They don't want that.
    - Thomas Chatterton Williams
  • Racism is a perceptive error, and what you actually have to do is you have to get into spaces where you're meeting people and perceiving them as human beings and not as racial stereotypes and myths.
    - Thomas Chatterton Williams
  • It is fun, I learned, to stroll around with Spike Lee and to gauge other people's reactions. Everyone recognizes him.
    - Thomas Chatterton Williams