Best quotes by Felicity Jones on Time

Checkout quotes by Felicity Jones on Time

  • I love going swimming. I spent a lot of time in North London in summer going to Hampstead Heath and swimming in the ponds there. It's so beautiful; we're so lucky to have that in London.
    - Felicity Jones
  • I love spending time researching a character and reading about them.
    - Felicity Jones
  • When you're a young actor, there's this pressure to rush. But I hope to be doing this into my sixties and seventies, so I'd prefer to take my time.
    - Felicity Jones
  • A lot of my time is spent watching films and reading scripts. And it can be all-consuming. And it's obviously something I'm fortunate that is both my work and my hobby. It's what I would naturally be doing anyway.
    - Felicity Jones
  • I don't have much time for shopping so I pick things up when I can. My favorite labels are APC, Isabel Marant and Agnes B because the clothes are cut small and have a simplicity to them.
    - Felicity Jones