Best quotes by Mandy Ingber on Me

Checkout quotes by Mandy Ingber on Me

  • I schedule 'me' time because, just like everyone else, I need to unwind. I try to remember to take it easy and breathe.
    - Mandy Ingber
  • Yoga is a part of who I am. It has given me a permanent relationship. A relationship between my body, my mind, and my emotions.
    - Mandy Ingber
  • I love nuts. A handful of almonds, cashews, or walnuts will get me through a couple of hours.
    - Mandy Ingber
  • Yoga has given me more compassion for my imperfections.
    - Mandy Ingber
  • My father was really into yoga, and back then, it seemed like we were really the only ones who knew about yoga. It amazes me now... just what a movement yoga has become and what an industry it's become.
    - Mandy Ingber
  • I don't do long juice cleanses because, for me, it messes up my metabolism, and I actually gain weight.
    - Mandy Ingber