Best quotes by Tarja Turunen on Music

Checkout quotes by Tarja Turunen on Music

  • Since I was a little child, I always wanted to do music. That was my passion.
    - Tarja Turunen
  • I was kind of, I would say, even obsessed with music. I wanted to start learning piano when I was six years old, and after that, my parents were very supportive and they took me to several kinds of music lessons. So music filled all my childhood.
    - Tarja Turunen
  • For me, there are no borders in music in general.
    - Tarja Turunen
  • Since many years, I realized that I have a darker side in me, even though I still believe I'm a very positive person. But still, there is still darkness that makes me write music and create in general, and it affects everything that I do. I believe it's a beautiful darkness.
    - Tarja Turunen
  • Actually I do not listen to much opera music.
    - Tarja Turunen
  • I listen to classical music when I need to relax. It depends a lot on mood.
    - Tarja Turunen
  • When I need some energy in the morning I can put a metal CD in my player, because it gets me going! Classical music will send me off the road!
    - Tarja Turunen
  • I have very different kinds of songs - there are these film-music-type of songs, and then metal, metal, metal, ha-ha! These are different kinds of styles, so not every musician can play both types of music.
    - Tarja Turunen
  • I feel my voice can fit in many things so it's very interesting to combine things and music styles.
    - Tarja Turunen
  • I do always the music before the lyrics. The story or an idea for the lyrics appears during the composing process normally, but some other times I already have a strong idea of the story I would like to sing before any music comes to my mind.
    - Tarja Turunen
  • I think it's really important to be humble for the music because there is always someone better than you, there is always something new for you to learn for music and you can't be the best in the world. It makes you work very hard.
    - Tarja Turunen
  • Music really makes you keep your feet on the ground. People can really see if you're honest. That is the truth, they really can see through you.
    - Tarja Turunen
  • It's incredible how much beauty exists in the world of music and how many artists you can really inspire with your own work.
    - Tarja Turunen
  • I wouldn't call myself at all as a crossover artist - I kind of hate that word - but in a way, you need to see me like that, because I'm working in classical music, I'm doing these other projects, and I'm having a rock career at the same time.
    - Tarja Turunen
  • Music is emotion; it's a beautiful thing that connects people despite their age or differences or cultural differences and anything. We are still the same, and we can love the same things.
    - Tarja Turunen
  • I love music, and that is what I care for, and that is what I deliver for people.
    - Tarja Turunen
  • I think that when I am making music, if I can be really happy with it and get my message across, then that is the most important thing.
    - Tarja Turunen