Best quotes by Ellen Ullman on World

Checkout quotes by Ellen Ullman on World

  • Programmers seem to be changing the world. It would be a relief, for them and for all of us, if they knew something about it.
    - Ellen Ullman
  • Closed environments dominated the computing world of the 1970s and early '80s. An operating system written for a Hewlett-Packard computer ran only on H.P. computers; I.B.M. controlled its software from chips up to the user interfaces.
    - Ellen Ullman
  • I fear for the world the Internet is creating.
    - Ellen Ullman
  • The world of programmers is not going to change on its own.
    - Ellen Ullman
  • Each new tool we create ends an old relationship with the world and starts a new one. And we're changed by that relationship, inevitably. It changes the way we live, changes our patterns, changes our social organization.
    - Ellen Ullman