Best quotes by Francis Chan on Culture

Checkout quotes by Francis Chan on Culture

  • I could fill my whole time doing interviews, speaking to crowds, and there's this natural human tendency because of our culture to think that the more people I talk to, the bigger the impact I'll have, and yet Jesus didn't spend His time just speaking to the masses. He spent the bulk of his time with a small group of people.
    - Francis Chan
  • Our culture is all about shallow relationships. But that doesn't mean we should stop looking each other in the eye and having deep conversations.
    - Francis Chan
  • Being around a church culture, even leading a gathering of believers, I've gotten pretty good at predicting what's going to happen in a church service.
    - Francis Chan
  • When I read the statements of Christ, there seems to be this urgency and intensity. I guess that's what I get out of it when I read the tone of the Scriptures, which is very different from the tone of our culture.
    - Francis Chan
  • As a culture, we're so worried about what's going to happen to us 30 years from now that we are not taking care of our brothers and sisters who need help today.
    - Francis Chan