Best quotes by Tarana Burke on Work

Checkout quotes by Tarana Burke on Work

  • If we don't center the voices of marginalized people, we're doing the wrong work.
    - Tarana Burke
  • The work is more than just about the amplification of survivors and quantifying their numbers. The work is really about survivors talking to each other and saying, 'I see you. I support you. I get it.'
    - Tarana Burke
  • I've done work in every area of social justice you can think of, but I've been highly focused on young people and then specifically black and brown girls.
    - Tarana Burke
  • Anita Hill thanklessly put herself and her career as a law professor on the line more than 25 years ago to publicly name Clarence Thomas for sexually harassing her at work.
    - Tarana Burke
  • People need hope and inspiration desperately. But hope and inspiration are only sustained by work.
    - Tarana Burke
  • I think it is selfish for me to try to frame Me Too as something that I own. It is bigger than me and bigger than Alyssa Milano. Neither one of us should be centered in this work. This is about survivors.
    - Tarana Burke
  • There are so many different people doing amazing work across the country that I, in my capacity, definitely want to lift up, because they don't get lifted up that often.
    - Tarana Burke
  • I'm really a worker and about rolling up my sleeves and doing the work. If that lands me a place in history, then I would be among amazing company.
    - Tarana Burke
  • I started doing organizing work as a teenager. I was part of an organization called the 21st Century Youth Leadership Movement at 14.
    - Tarana Burke
  • If we keep on 'making statements' and not really doing the work, we are going to be in trouble.
    - Tarana Burke
  • I want the women I work with to find the entry point to where their healing is.
    - Tarana Burke
  • The work of #MeToo is about healing. It's about healing as individuals and healing as communities.
    - Tarana Burke