Best quotes by Pete Docter on Work

Checkout quotes by Pete Docter on Work

  • Work hard! In the end, passion and hard work beats out natural talent.
    - Pete Docter
  • I always feel like if you have a smaller crew, you can not only get to know the individual strengths of people more specifically, but then, you also give them a longer runway to be able to apply the knowledge that they have learned to subsequent work.
    - Pete Docter
  • At Pixar, of course, we have all these people, and they're just used to our process now where it's a discussion; it's a discovery. It's not individual artists going and fussing off by themselves in isolation and then handing their work in.
    - Pete Docter
  • The way we work at Pixar is we write the script, but then we quickly move on into story reel, which is basically like a comic-book version of the film. And then we do our own dialogue and music and sound effects, all in an effort to be able to basically sit in the theater and watch the movie before we shoot it, essentially.
    - Pete Docter
  • I guess different brains work in different ways.
    - Pete Docter