Best quotes by Maxime Bernier on People

Checkout quotes by Maxime Bernier on People

  • I think here in Beauce, people are very honest. And they don't like a politician that will say something one day and the opposite the other day.
    - Maxime Bernier
  • People are fed up of politicians who say one thing one day and another the day after.
    - Maxime Bernier
  • The People's Party, I am working for the people and we want to put the power back in people.
    - Maxime Bernier
  • You must believe in people. You must give back their money in their own pockets.
    - Maxime Bernier
  • I don't care a bit about people's race or skin colour.
    - Maxime Bernier
  • People like authenticity and I think I have the courage of my convictions and am authentic.
    - Maxime Bernier
  • I'm the only one who is saying, 'Let's take fewer immigrants.' We want people to integrate, we don't want ghettos in Canada.
    - Maxime Bernier
  • We Conservatives believe not in big, interventionist, centralized government. But in small and limited government, government as close to the people as possible.
    - Maxime Bernier
  • I have people on Twitter that they know better my own platform than myself.
    - Maxime Bernier