Best quotes by John Lewis on People

Checkout quotes by John Lewis on People

  • I want to see young people in America feel the spirit of the 1960s and find a way to get in the way. To find a way to get in trouble. Good trouble, necessary trouble.
    - John Lewis
  • I say to people today, 'You must be prepared if you believe in something. If you believe in something, you have to go for it. As individuals, we may not live to see the end.'
    - John Lewis
  • We need someone who is going to stand up, speak up, and speak out for the people who need help, for the people who have been discriminated against.
    - John Lewis
  • Too many people struggled, suffered, and died to make it possible for every American to exercise their right to vote.
    - John Lewis
  • We must continue to go forward as one people, as brothers and sisters.
    - John Lewis
  • We need someone who will stand up and speak up and speak out for the people who need help, for people who are being discriminated against. And it doesn't matter whether they are black or white, Latino, Asian or Native American, whether they are straight or gay, Muslim, Christian, or Jews.
    - John Lewis
  • When you make mistakes, when you're wrong, you should admit you're wrong and ask people to forgive you.
    - John Lewis
  • I don't understand it, how President Johnson can send troops to Vietnam and cannot send troops to Selma, Alabama, to protect people whose only desire is to register to vote.
    - John Lewis
  • We're one people, and we all live in the same house. Not the American house, but the world house.
    - John Lewis
  • We must bring the issue of mental illness out into the sunlight, out of the shadow, out of the closet, deal with it, treat people, have centers where people can get the necessary help.
    - John Lewis
  • We need some creative tension; people crying out for the things they want.
    - John Lewis
  • We are tired of being beaten by policemen. We are tired of seeing our people locked up in jails over and over again. And then you holler, 'Be patient.' How long can we be patient?
    - John Lewis
  • In 1965, the attempted march from Selma to Montgomery on March 7 was planned to dramatize to the state of Alabama and to the nation that people of color wanted to register to vote.
    - John Lewis