Best quotes by Tamara Ecclestone on People

Checkout quotes by Tamara Ecclestone on People

  • When you are rich, people try to take advantage of you.
    - Tamara Ecclestone
  • People don't get my sense of humour.
    - Tamara Ecclestone
  • My sister would say I'm a feeder because I like cooking for people.
    - Tamara Ecclestone
  • I'm the sort of person who takes a camera to dinner or a nightclub because I enjoy taking pictures of people. I tweet all my pictures, which is bad.
    - Tamara Ecclestone
  • Some people collect vintage cars, I collect Birkins. The leather ones are £20,000.
    - Tamara Ecclestone
  • I want people to see that I'm a real person, I overreact, I cry, I'm emotional. If I come across as perfect and in control, that wouldn't be who I really am.
    - Tamara Ecclestone
  • I love looking at people who have achieved a lot - even Kim Kardashian, who has made a brand out of being a reality TV star; I applaud that.
    - Tamara Ecclestone