Best quotes by Tadao Ando on People

Checkout quotes by Tadao Ando on People

  • I believe that the way people live can be directed a little by architecture.
    - Tadao Ando
  • If you give people nothingness, they can ponder what can be achieved from that nothingness.
    - Tadao Ando
  • If I can create some space that people haven't experienced before and if it stays with them or gives them a dream for the future, that's the kind of structure I seek to create.
    - Tadao Ando
  • I would like my architecture to inspire people to use their own resources, to move into the future.
    - Tadao Ando
  • People tend not to use this word beauty because it's not intellectual - but there has to be an overlap between beauty and intellect.
    - Tadao Ando