Best quotes by Rebecca Traister on Men

Checkout quotes by Rebecca Traister on Men

  • There are all kinds of ways in which especially white men in this country have been helped by the government.
    - Rebecca Traister
  • There are a whole bunch of structural and systemic factors we need to address in order to move away from the model in which women really are still dependent on men.
    - Rebecca Traister
  • Marriage has been a way of attempting to ensure the replication of power and wealth from one generation of another, passing it down from men to men.
    - Rebecca Traister
  • 'The End of Men' was an incendiary title, but the actual book was very sympathetic to men. It was very invested in a lot of the challenges men are facing with unemployment and the economy changing because of technology.
    - Rebecca Traister
  • 'The Daily Show,' which was created by women, Lizz Winstead and Madeleine Smithberg, has earned quite a bit of ink for the fact that it's written mostly by men.
    - Rebecca Traister
  • By demanding more from men and from marriage, it's single women who have perhaps played as large a part as anyone in saving marriage in America.
    - Rebecca Traister