Best quotes by Thomas Jane on Movies

Checkout quotes by Thomas Jane on Movies

  • Terry Malick offered me three parts in 'The Thin Red Line.' I was busy shooting other movies while he asked me the first two.
    - Thomas Jane
  • I'm interested in the impact my movies have on people and how it affects them, and what they like and what they don't like - and what they take away from it. What leaves an impression, you know?
    - Thomas Jane
  • It's kind of true that they just start making the same movie over and over again. It's also true that the times dictate what kind of movies get made and what kind are not. So I'm always looking for something that's a little fresh and something that I haven't seen before.
    - Thomas Jane
  • Some of the supporting roles that I've done as an actor, I took them because I knew that I would get to watch some of the leading guys in the movies, and also I'd get to work with them.
    - Thomas Jane
  • I want to make movies that I want to see, and what I miss and I'm not seeing.
    - Thomas Jane