Best quotes by Jenny Eclair on People

Checkout quotes by Jenny Eclair on People

  • I've got this horrible feeling that I'm one of those people who'll always have to flog their guts out to get anywhere.
    - Jenny Eclair
  • I admire the Elsie Tanners and Barbara Windsors of the world: people who have crawled back from the abyss. I'm quite camp in that respect.
    - Jenny Eclair
  • People often ask why comedy is harder for women, and the reason is because a tampon will sometimes fall out when you're on stage. Blokes don't have that worry.
    - Jenny Eclair
  • I only socialise with people that I have a lot in common with.
    - Jenny Eclair
  • I have a very solo career. I only write with people that I really adore.
    - Jenny Eclair