Best quotes by Temple Grandin on Work

Checkout quotes by Temple Grandin on Work

  • A treatment method or an educational method that will work for one child may not work for another child. The one common denominator for all of the young children is that early intervention does work, and it seems to improve the prognosis.
    - Temple Grandin
  • We have got to work on keeping these children engaged with the world.
    - Temple Grandin
  • Language for me narrates the pictures in my mind. When I work on designing livestock equipment I can test run that equipment in my head like 3-D virtual reality. In fact, when I was in college I used to think that everybody was able to do that.
    - Temple Grandin
  • Children between the ages of five to ten years are even more variable. They are going to vary from very high functioning, capable of doing normal school work, to nonverbal who have all kinds of neurological problems.
    - Temple Grandin
  • My life is basically my work.
    - Temple Grandin
  • If I did not have my work, I would not have any life.
    - Temple Grandin