Best quotes by Susie Wolff on Me

Checkout quotes by Susie Wolff on Me

  • I have the deepest admiration for Angela Palmer and her work so having my helmet as her subject has been a true honour for me. I think the sculpture is stunning and very striking, it's the most incredible combination of strength with fragility.
    - Susie Wolff
  • I never let my gender define me but in my whole driving career I only ever did one interview not being asked about being a female.
    - Susie Wolff
  • I loved the speed of go-karting, but didn't have a lot of natural talent. The first time I went out on the track I found it scary; other karts were flying past and bumping into me.
    - Susie Wolff
  • When I decided to stop racing, I really wanted to give something back to the sport and for me it was always going to be about inspiring young girls and women.
    - Susie Wolff
  • I think we all, as drivers, come to the table with a package. It's either your speed and raw talent, your sponsorship money, your nationality. For me, one of my unique selling points is my gender, without a doubt.
    - Susie Wolff
  • I was asked to do some studies to see if I was different. And I do have more male testosterone than the average woman does. Whether that makes me more aggressive, I don't know.
    - Susie Wolff
  • It doesn't bother me if I'm getting attention because I'm a girl.
    - Susie Wolff