Best quotes by Ro Khanna on American

Checkout quotes by Ro Khanna on American

  • The structural changes of globalization and automation that has created concentrated wealth among some people who have had the right skills and the right opportunities has also created extraordinary disruption and havoc among the American middle-class.
    - Ro Khanna
  • There is a risk that overt American support for Guaido could shore up Maduro's base and trigger displays of military force, potentially plunging Venezuela into a civil war.
    - Ro Khanna
  • More than stock prices or product launches, Silicon Valley's legacy will be defined by whether tech leaders step up to contribute to the larger American experiment.
    - Ro Khanna
  • The framers understood that the momentous decision to go to war requires the informed consent of the American people, expressed through their elected representatives.
    - Ro Khanna
  • We have to return to a foreign policy of restraint, one that develops our capabilities and our potential in communities across America, and not become bogged down in unwinnable conflicts that lead to greater resentment of the United States, and that don't advance American interests.
    - Ro Khanna
  • We have to define American patriotism as future-oriented.
    - Ro Khanna
  • I don't think American life requires you to be on Facebook. It does require you to have access to the Internet.
    - Ro Khanna