Best quotes by Saweetie on Me

Checkout quotes by Saweetie on Me

  • With social media, the gatekeepers are our followers. It has opened so many doors for me not only musically, but fashion-wise as well.
    - Saweetie
  • My grandma told me that to be wealthy you need at least seven streams of income, so that's my goal. I have a big family. I want to take care of everybody.
    - Saweetie
  • I make music for people to relate to and to connect with me. I want to tap into different emotions.
    - Saweetie
  • And I get so nervous now when it's not my show, like I'm not the headliner, because I know that those fans are there for another artist. Many people might not know an upcoming artist, but I've grown to like those shows because if I can control a crowd that doesn't know me, I'm doing my job as an entertainer. I have to rise to the occasion.
    - Saweetie
  • We all want to be identified as someone cool, and I have struggled with repping where I'm from and my heritage before. It's part of growing pains. But when people see me being proud of what I am - and they are what I am too - it makes them proud. That's why I try to represent my Asian and my black side.
    - Saweetie
  • Me wanting to be an artist never really faded away. I knew that no matter what else I tried to pursue, my passion was always that.
    - Saweetie
  • I was already writing poetry, so I transitioned from writing poetry a cappella to writing over beats, and it was way more exciting to me that way.
    - Saweetie
  • My grandmother used to call me Sweetie, and I really loved it.
    - Saweetie
  • Being a woman in a male-dominated industry is difficult at times. I've had people offer to help me, but it's hard to know who to trust.
    - Saweetie
  • I just love seeing my audience live, and I also love to see my peers perform because it inspires me to be a better performer as well.
    - Saweetie