Best quotes by Vincent Bugliosi on God

Checkout quotes by Vincent Bugliosi on God

  • I, for one, can't be sure at all there is a God.
    - Vincent Bugliosi
  • I am more excited about 'Divinity of Doubt: The God Question' than any other book in my entire career, and I've had seven New York Times bestsellers, three of them reaching number one.
    - Vincent Bugliosi
  • Atheism is really nothing but a sorry litany of non-sequiturs, e.g., if God existed, why do we have all the evil and horrors in the world? But this presupposes that God is all-good, an obvious non-sequitur.
    - Vincent Bugliosi
  • We can know that the Christian God cannot exist. If he is all-powerful and all-good, as Christians maintain, there would not have been, for instance, the Holocaust. This is an inherent self-contradiction. So if Christians insist on having a God, they can do so, but if they have any respect for logic they'll have to redefine who he is.
    - Vincent Bugliosi
  • I believe that the question of the existence of God is an impenetrable mystery and beyond human comprehension.
    - Vincent Bugliosi
  • When I hear theists and atheists pontificating on how they know God does or does not exist, I can only smile at the irrationality and, yes, vanity of the notion.
    - Vincent Bugliosi