Best quotes by Sundar Pichai on Time

Checkout quotes by Sundar Pichai on Time

  • I have a secret project which adds four hours every day to the 24 hours we have. There's a bit of time travel involved.
    - Sundar Pichai
  • What strikes me every single time is that the aspirations of Indians are unique and unparalleled. They're very demanding, regardless of background.
    - Sundar Pichai
  • Google is all about information. So the notion of using and presenting information in the right point at the right time to users is what, in essence, describes Google.
    - Sundar Pichai
  • There are different usage patterns - I never do email during the day. I don't multitask well at all. I don't know how to be in a meeting and participate and be on email at the same time. I do see some people do it more effectively. I've never quite figured that out.
    - Sundar Pichai
  • We run Android in a very open way and work closely with all partners. We work with Samsung, and I spend a lot of time with them. But we've always supported other partners.
    - Sundar Pichai
  • My dad and mom did what a lot of parents did at the time. They sacrificed a lot of their life and used a lot of their disposable income to make sure their children were educated.
    - Sundar Pichai
  • There are seven billion people in the world. And I think phones are the first time most people will have access to a modern computing device. With Android, we want to enable that for people.
    - Sundar Pichai