Best quotes by Sarah Paulson on Me

Checkout quotes by Sarah Paulson on Me

  • I moved to L.A. and did a two-part episode of this British export show called 'Cracker.' I kissed Josh Hartnett. I think Josh Hartnett's first onscreen kiss was me, unfortunately.
    - Sarah Paulson
  • I had gone away from Twitter because before people had been so mean to me. Talking about my lisp and my enormous forehead and all these things. I do have a lisp, I do have a forehead I know you could land a plane on, it's no mystery to me. I just didn't have the skin for it.
    - Sarah Paulson
  • If you heard me sing, you would just plug your ears and run, screaming, the other way. I promise.
    - Sarah Paulson
  • There's some bohemian part of me where the idea of falling back on something meant I expected to fail.
    - Sarah Paulson
  • My sister's a big karaoke person, and she's never been able to get me to do it.
    - Sarah Paulson
  • I was constantly, always and forever, trying to perform the musical 'Annie' for anyone who would listen, and I have a terrible singing voice. It was the first thing that made me think I wanted to be an actress.
    - Sarah Paulson
  • All my friends went to the Madonna concert when I was in, maybe, the 9th grade, and my mother refused to let me go.
    - Sarah Paulson
  • If my life choices had to be predicated based on what was expected of me from a community on either side, that's going to make me feel really straitjacketed, and I don't want to feel that.
    - Sarah Paulson