Best quotes by Naseeruddin Shah on Me

Checkout quotes by Naseeruddin Shah on Me

  • Somehow, Hindi movies never took me in the same way Hollywood films did. Even at the age of five or six, I could see the difference in the quality of execution.
    - Naseeruddin Shah
  • The film industry does not interest me greatly. The people, I don't mingle with them much. I meet them when I have to.
    - Naseeruddin Shah
  • What drew me into being an actor was that I never got cast in the school plays - and it used to kill me.
    - Naseeruddin Shah
  • I don't look at my work as an avenue for generating more work. For me, my work itself is sufficient.
    - Naseeruddin Shah
  • My agent wanted me to audition for Dumbledore's character after Richard Harris died. I was asked if I would like to audition for it. But I wouldn't audition for it.
    - Naseeruddin Shah
  • Nobody can send me to Pakistan. India is my country, and I love my country. Five generations of my family have lived and died on this land, and even my children will live in this country because this is my homeland.
    - Naseeruddin Shah