Best quotes by Michael Morhaime on Gaming

Checkout quotes by Michael Morhaime on Gaming

  • We want gaming and e-sports to be something that is welcoming and appropriate for everybody who wants to come and watch.
    - Michael Morhaime
  • I think that gaming is more fun when you're playing with people that you know.
    - Michael Morhaime
  • 'Lost Vikings' and 'Rock 'n' Roll Racing' were pretty critical games to us. We got some acclaim as a result, some video gaming awards. Those are the games that impressed Davidson and Associates and led to the merger talks.
    - Michael Morhaime
  • Asia is the founding land of competitive gaming.
    - Michael Morhaime
  • The development of gaming in Asia usually serves as the marker for how their company predicts the development of gaming will go globally.
    - Michael Morhaime