Best quotes by Simone Giertz on People

Checkout quotes by Simone Giertz on People

  • I think it's also important to show that failure is a part of the process. It can sometimes be the end goal. People are very obsessed with building useful things and I think often that also stops people from getting started.
    - Simone Giertz
  • A lot of people make the mistake of setting the bar too high.
    - Simone Giertz
  • A lot of people just write off the projects that I do as stupid, but they obviously aren't, the ideas aren't the smartest but I think there definitely is a lot of thought behind it.
    - Simone Giertz
  • There's an incredible amount of people that you can compare yourself with and be like, why am I not doing as well as that person? It's really hard.
    - Simone Giertz
  • I think people just like seeing failure.
    - Simone Giertz
  • If I find something is interesting, there are probably other people who find it interesting… if I'm into what I'm doing, there will be other people who are into it, too.
    - Simone Giertz