Best quotes by Shy Glizzy on Music

Checkout quotes by Shy Glizzy on Music

  • When that music comes on, I just block everything around me out.
    - Shy Glizzy
  • 'Free the Gang,' that's my favorite song because it's so real. All my music is real, it's authentic, but it's something about that song that I love.
    - Shy Glizzy
  • None of my songs sound the same. None of them. I take R&B beats and put it as a rap song or hip-hop beats and put them as a R&B song. A lot of people are boring. I don't like boring music. Everybody sounds the same, like they copying.
    - Shy Glizzy
  • My music is genuine, and I'm talking about stuff that no one else - no one my age, anyway, in the game - is talking about. Nobody. I'm the only one really stating facts and speaking with real street knowledge.
    - Shy Glizzy
  • Nothing that I say in my music is a lie.
    - Shy Glizzy