Best quotes by Patti Stanger on Love

Checkout quotes by Patti Stanger on Love

  • If you're giving love and not receiving it, you're not in the right relationship. If you're receiving it and not giving it than you are taking advantage of the other person.
    - Patti Stanger
  • I was single for a really long time, then I realized I had abandonment issues. Then I found love online.
    - Patti Stanger
  • Women are smart in business and dumb in love. They won't date outside their zip code, let alone outside the city. They are city snobs.
    - Patti Stanger
  • When a man gets cheated on, I'm like, 'Meh, he'll find somebody else.' When a woman gets cheated on, that's a deep wound. I think when a man is widowed, like Liam Neeson, I think that has more of an effect - you had a great love and the universe took her.
    - Patti Stanger
  • I state in my book 'Become Your Own Matchmaker,' confidence is the key to any endeavor. Women don't realize that when they do things they love and are passionate about - their confidence soars. Men are attracted to women who feel happy and decisive about life.
    - Patti Stanger
  • The best part about being a matchmaker is you are getting credits in heaven, as I really believe I work for God. The worst part is that matchmakers can often fix everyone up, all the way to the altar, but cannot find love themselves, so it is bittersweet.
    - Patti Stanger
  • Taylor Swift dates guys so she can write a breakup song about them. I don't think she's dating for love - I think she's dating for creativity. So let's get her off the market and put her in dating detox. If she really wants love, she has to stop writing music about them.
    - Patti Stanger
  • I'm a dancer so anything related to dance I love to do. I also tried Zumba last week. That thing is tough! 15 minutes in I was going for a water break. It wasn't easy!
    - Patti Stanger
  • I'm Jewish, I can say it. We're storytellers. We were the moneylenders... Therefore we tell great tales to get what we need. I love Jewish men. They make the best husbands.
    - Patti Stanger