Best quotes by Shannon Purser on Time

Checkout quotes by Shannon Purser on Time

  • I feel that responsibility to really be authentic with people because I think that's what they deserve, especially in a time when it's very easy for people in the public eye to sort of cultivate an image.
    - Shannon Purser
  • Specifically, my time in therapy has changed my life. It was such a relief to have a trained professional listen to my thoughts and help me positively restructure my thinking.
    - Shannon Purser
  • That's what I love about movies and TV: You can go anywhere any time and be whoever you want.
    - Shannon Purser
  • I think we take our friends for granted a lot in high school. We're so busy worrying about our own problems that we ignore the fact that we have these people who are supporting us and taking care of us like all the time.
    - Shannon Purser
  • I've been singing since I was a little kid, but 'Sierra' was my first time singing on camera, which was definitely intimidating at first.
    - Shannon Purser
  • I'm pretty introverted and I spend a lot of time in books, a lot of time thinking and by myself, because that's what I enjoy to recharge.
    - Shannon Purser
  • I didn't even have a career before 'Stranger Things' - it was my first acting job, my first time on a professional set, and my character wasn't even supposed to be a big deal - it all just exploded.
    - Shannon Purser