Best quotes by Alain Dehaze on Work

Checkout quotes by Alain Dehaze on Work

  • Advanced technology changes the way we work and the skills we need, but it also boosts productivity and creates new jobs.
    - Alain Dehaze
  • Technology is just one of the factors affecting the world of work. Economics, demographics, sociological trends, and government policies are four other core influences reshaping labour markets and determining how we will work for years ahead.
    - Alain Dehaze
  • Trends such as skills imbalances, the gig economy, and digitization are transforming work so quickly that policy creation is lagging behind.
    - Alain Dehaze
  • Countries that want to achieve sustainable growth must cater for diverse forms of work and consider the rights of all workers.
    - Alain Dehaze
  • Warp speed developments in technology - automation, artificial intelligence, and the arrival of the sharing economy - are transforming how we work. Beyond technology, traditional working patterns are also being disrupted by changes in society, organizations and workforce management, leading to the rise of a more independent and dispersed workforce.
    - Alain Dehaze
  • Given the rapid rate of change, the old paradigm of one-off education followed by a career will no longer work: life-long learning is a must, and it is up to governments and employers to invest in training and for employees to commit to constantly update their skill set.
    - Alain Dehaze
  • Young people want to work.
    - Alain Dehaze
  • Countries which favour openness and the mobility of skilled talent secure the development of more diverse and culturally rich work environments, a higher level of innovation, as well as entrepreneurship and wider international networks.
    - Alain Dehaze
  • France desperately needs to work on its competitiveness and attractiveness.
    - Alain Dehaze