Best quotes by Ben Horowitz on People

Checkout quotes by Ben Horowitz on People

  • One person is never as stupid as a group of people. That's why they have lynch mobs, not lynch individuals.
    - Ben Horowitz
  • I was an executive running a pretty substantial group before becoming CEO, and I had no idea what it was like. When something goes wrong, people say, 'It's all your fault.' Your reaction is, 'It's not my fault.' But what do you mean? I was the founder, I hired everybody in the company, I was managing it.
    - Ben Horowitz
  • As long as people are clear on what they need to do and what's going on, you're very likely to succeed. When nobody is clear, then you're guaranteed to fail.
    - Ben Horowitz
  • Most of my job and most of what I do is to mentor people. There are a lot of people I work with that I don't have investments in.
    - Ben Horowitz
  • I do think a lot of people are trying to do important things still, and I think it is really a great thing that entrepreneurship is getting easier. When I started, it was just much harder to begin a company.
    - Ben Horowitz