Best quotes by Scott Kelly on Long

Checkout quotes by Scott Kelly on Long

  • A year is a long time to live without the human contact of loved ones, fresh air, and gravity, to name a few.
    - Scott Kelly
  • Sleeping here is harder here in space than on a bed because the sleep position here is the same position throughout the day. You don't ever get that sense of gratifying relaxation here that you do on Earth after a long day at work.
    - Scott Kelly
  • I think anyone that's in the same building or the same place for a really long period of time, some parts of it become routine.
    - Scott Kelly
  • My dad worked nights mostly and while we were growing up, and my mother also worked, so there were times where, when it was just the two of us at home, and, you know, they gave us a pretty long leash, actually.
    - Scott Kelly
  • Leaving the space station was bittersweet - I had been there for a long time and looked forward to leaving, but it is a remarkable place.
    - Scott Kelly