Best quotes by Randall Terry on God
Checkout quotes by Randall Terry on God
‟ In a world without the law of God, you have chaos, oppression, tyranny, and everyone doing what is right in their own eyes.
- Randall Terry
‟ George Washington understood that the Bible is the place where God's records of right and wrong are kept.
- Randall Terry
‟ You don't know how to love God and your neighbor unless you look to the law to define it.
- Randall Terry
‟ The Law of God in the Christian religion is the schoolmaster that leads us to Christ.
- Randall Terry
‟ The enemies of the Christian religion and the Law of God confuse law with faith.
- Randall Terry
‟ It's the Law of God that gave the stability to Christian civilization.
- Randall Terry
‟ The Law of God reaches into every area of life, and it brings about incredible blessing and incredible freedom.
- Randall Terry
‟ If God is sovereign, then it is impossible for civil government to be neutral on issues of law. All law is based in some religious code.
- Randall Terry
‟ Let's use the opportunities before us to stand for Christ. If we will do, God himself will honor our efforts and America can be restored.
- Randall Terry