Best quotes by Tom Segura on People

Checkout quotes by Tom Segura on People

  • It's okay for me to make jokes about disabled people and people with horrible diseases because they make me uncomfortable, and I don't want to be like them.
    - Tom Segura
  • Sleep is important for a comic - like it is for a lot of people.
    - Tom Segura
  • People will say, 'What's your favorite part of Cincinnati?' I'm like, 'I was nine, man. I liked recess and having snacks. I didn't go anywhere. I was a kid.'
    - Tom Segura
  • A lot of times, you land in a city, and you're like, 'This is not my people.' I'm gonna do the show, but you don't feel like this is for you. And then, some places, you just go and just fall into a groove, and you're like, 'This feels right.'
    - Tom Segura
  • I wasn't the crazy kid bouncing off the walls, I would just sit back a make comments and I made people laugh.
    - Tom Segura