Best quotes by Sajid Javid on Country

Checkout quotes by Sajid Javid on Country

  • A question has to be asked: if you are a genuine asylum seeker, why have you not sought asylum in the first safe country that you arrived in? Because France is not a country where anyone would argue it is not safe in any way whatsoever, and if you are genuine, then why not seek asylum in your first safe country?
    - Sajid Javid
  • What we're going to do is have an immigration system that's in our national interest, and that's not what we've had up until now, We've had freedom of movement, which means we haven't been in control of who enters our country - those individuals have, just because of their nationality. And that's going to change.
    - Sajid Javid
  • I am a proud, British-born Muslim, and I love my country more than any other place on earth.
    - Sajid Javid
  • I'm a second-generation migrant. My parents came to this country from Pakistan, just like the Windrush generation.
    - Sajid Javid
  • I have three girls, and that makes me think more about what sort of country I want my kids to grow up in.
    - Sajid Javid
  • I want to send a very strong signal to people who do think about making this journey - we will do everything we can to make sure it is not a success in the sense that I don't want people to think that if they leave a safe country like France that they can get to Britain and just get to stay.
    - Sajid Javid
  • It might sound strange coming from a home secretary - I'm a big fan of immigration and what it means for our country, in terms of how it makes us stronger.
    - Sajid Javid
  • Like the Caribbean Windrush generation, my parents came to this country from the Commonwealth in the 1960s. They, too, came to help rebuild this country and offer all that they had.
    - Sajid Javid
  • I want to start by making a pledge, a pledge to those from the Windrush generation who have been in this country for decades and yet have struggled to navigate through the immigration system: This never should have been the case, and I will do whatever it takes to put it right.
    - Sajid Javid
  • I see neither the sense nor the need to stick to an immigration figure devised nearly a decade ago, which has never been met and does not fit the requirements of the country.
    - Sajid Javid
  • Setting an immigration target reduced to the tens of thousands is one thing when unemployment is running at 8 per cent. Refusing to review it when the country nears full employment and sectors are reporting skills shortages is quite another.
    - Sajid Javid
  • My parents were immigrants from Pakistan. My father has passed away now, but my father and mother were very proud of Britain, and they have always respected the country and always wanted to make a contribution.
    - Sajid Javid