Best quotes by Jeff Hardy on Me

Checkout quotes by Jeff Hardy on Me

  • Being myself is what got me to where I am.
    - Jeff Hardy
  • You can't go wrong with reading the fans and letting them tell you who they like. I think that's really paid off for me in the long run - being down to earth and just really cool with each and every fan that I meet - and they've really supported me through thick and thin.
    - Jeff Hardy
  • I'll do anything. That has proven problematic - you may remember my broken leg in a dirt bike accident - but that is also the ingredient that has allowed me to elevate myself in pro wrestling.
    - Jeff Hardy
  • I compliment people when I see something I really like and tell them, 'That was good. Keep doing what you're doing.' That's as much as advice as you will get out of me.
    - Jeff Hardy
  • To me, wrestling is just as cool as it ever was.
    - Jeff Hardy
  • I can't wrestle a match without getting my ankles taped because they feel like they'll shatter on me.
    - Jeff Hardy
  • The Undertaker's beaten me down pretty bad quite a few times.
    - Jeff Hardy
  • That's really important to me - creating moments that last forever.
    - Jeff Hardy
  • I've got my hardcore fans, and I thank them so much for being there for me and not giving up on me.
    - Jeff Hardy