Best quotes by Tony Blair on World

Checkout quotes by Tony Blair on World

  • But I am an optimist about Britain; and the difference between an optimist and a pessimist is not that the optimist believes the world is wonderful and the pessimist believes it's beset by challenges; the difference is the pessimist believes we will be defeated by them; the optimist thinks the challenges can be overcome.
    - Tony Blair
  • When Europe and America stand together the world is a better and more prosperous place.
    - Tony Blair
  • But the world is ever more interdependent. Stock markets and economies rise and fall together. Confidence is the key to prosperity. Insecurity spreads like contagion. So people crave stability and order.
    - Tony Blair
  • Values unrelated to modern reality are not just electorally hopeless, the values themselves become devalued. They have no purchase on the real world.
    - Tony Blair
  • This is not a battle between the United States of America and terrorism, but between the free and democratic world and terrorism.
    - Tony Blair
  • Our new world rests on order. The danger is disorder. And in today's world, it can now spread like contagion.
    - Tony Blair
  • We, therefore, here in Britain stand shoulder to shoulder with our American friends in this hour of tragedy, and we, like them, will not rest until this evil is driven from our world.
    - Tony Blair
  • I have long believed this interdependence defines the new world we live in.
    - Tony Blair