Best quotes by Saara Aalto on People

Checkout quotes by Saara Aalto on People

  • 'The X Factor' has brought so much joy to so many people.
    - Saara Aalto
  • I think it's mainly the language barrier and the cultural barrier, but of course also my songs, they have been very serious and melancholic, and so maybe people need to see more of my bubbly side and my personality.
    - Saara Aalto
  • There should be more LGBT people on TV.
    - Saara Aalto
  • The atmosphere in Britain is so supportive. People are so friendly and positive. I feel accepted here.
    - Saara Aalto
  • When people come to my gigs, they feel accepted as they are and they feel part of this family.
    - Saara Aalto
  • I don't want to sing about going to a party with friends, I want to sing meaningful songs that can inspire people and I think Sia's songs are really deep. 'Chandelier' is about young girls who think they have to please others to be loved and that really touched me.
    - Saara Aalto
  • When I met the people at Warner, they were very excited about my style and making me into this big theatrical artist.
    - Saara Aalto
  • It took a while to get the support of British people as they wouldn't naturally want to support someone from another country.
    - Saara Aalto
  • Finish people have not been very successful at all. We are not doing very well in sport. We are outsiders in the world.
    - Saara Aalto