Best quotes by Gutzon Borglum on Men

Checkout quotes by Gutzon Borglum on Men

  • I have labored to make the record of the great men of my time.
    - Gutzon Borglum
  • The Greeks, the Italians, and the Indians, from whom we get our ideas, erect monuments to ideas; we erect ours to men, and of such monuments we have an oversupply.
    - Gutzon Borglum
  • You may go from the Battery to Harlem, and in our monuments and statues of public men you will see the slavish adherence to Greek and Roman ideals, from which our artists cannot get away.
    - Gutzon Borglum
  • Washington and Lincoln mean as much to us as any two men could mean to a civilization, a people, and age, but I told Mr. Coolidge when he dedicated this monument that this rock is being carved with a monument that will outlive our government.
    - Gutzon Borglum
  • Motherhood is heroism. It is God-given, and yet men treat women as though of similar common clay, when in fact they are but lower than the angels.
    - Gutzon Borglum