Best quotes by S.E. Cupp on Me

Checkout quotes by S.E. Cupp on Me

  • For years, I've gone on television and made the case for the Second Amendment - the right to bear arms. I've pointed out that criminals don't follow gun laws, and I've defended the NRA and its members - law-abiding gun owners like me who have nothing to do with mass shootings or violent gun crimes.
    - S.E. Cupp
  • Why bad people - who are bad to other people - keep getting hired after they have proven their selves time and again is a mystery to me.
    - S.E. Cupp
  • Speaking of honesty, if you're like me you turn on the news to get information - a set of facts. If you want opinion, you come to shows like mine, where our prejudices and biases and opinions are made known; there's no false pretenses that you're getting pure objectivity.
    - S.E. Cupp
  • I'd be perfectly happy living anonymously on a ranch in Kentucky, where the only time someone mentioned me was to discuss the crazy lady up the road with all the taxidermy and jerky.
    - S.E. Cupp
  • Just finding ways to be not provocative for provocative's sake, but to show an idea that hasn't been shown before, I mean that's interesting to me.
    - S.E. Cupp
  • I get Google alerts that automatically let me know when someone's calling me a nutjob.
    - S.E. Cupp
  • It's pretty tough to intimidate me. And that's probably at my own peril sometimes.
    - S.E. Cupp