Best quotes by Wilson Cruz on Me

Checkout quotes by Wilson Cruz on Me

  • What's disheartening for me and to all of us in GLAAD is when it comes to major studio films, LGBT people are basically invisible. And when we do show up, it's largely a part of comedies as carictatures to service a joke that's at the expense of the character.
    - Wilson Cruz
  • When people ask me for advice about when to come out, it's really about, before you do that, building a circle of support that can strengthen you through that experience. For me, it was my friends. There were people on 'My So-Called Life' that really helped guide me.
    - Wilson Cruz
  • I was 19, 20. I didn't know what to do. I knew one thing: I never saw myself on TV or anyone like me, and I wanted to be that for someone else. I think the most courageous thing I did was ask for help.
    - Wilson Cruz
  • Let me speak for myself: I think I wanted to see people who looked like me on TV. I wanted to see people who had similar experiences as I had, growing up. There was nobody on television when I was a teenager who I could relate to.
    - Wilson Cruz
  • When I came out, it didn't go well. My dad kicked me out. I ended up sleeping in my car.
    - Wilson Cruz
  • The thing about me and school was that as much as I felt that I didn't belong, as long as I was on a stage or dancing, that's where I excelled the most, felt worthy.
    - Wilson Cruz