Best quotes by Richard Edelman on World

Checkout quotes by Richard Edelman on World

  • The world has flipped upside-down. It used to be a pyramid of authority; now it's upside down. The influence actually rests with the mid-level people, who speak peer-to-peer. If they're for you, you win.
    - Richard Edelman
  • We've learned that when a consumer moves from a relationship rooted in 'me' to one powered by 'we,' a new world of buying and advocacy opens up for a brand.
    - Richard Edelman
  • The trust of the mass population can no longer be taken for granted, and any continuation of the 'grand illusion' is dangerous for leaders in today's world.
    - Richard Edelman
  • The problems of the world, from immigration to populism to income inequality to sustainability to peacekeeping, require a well-functioning supranational body.
    - Richard Edelman
  • Institutions are better served by going direct to end users, establishing a channel for direct dialogue and feedback. It is a world of many to one, not one to many.
    - Richard Edelman