Best quotes by Rory Gallagher on Music

Checkout quotes by Rory Gallagher on Music

  • Playing live is much more natural for me. The instant reaction and the feedback from the audience is great for me. I really relish it. And if you play blues-based music, it's not really academic music or recital music. It really needs a bit of atmosphere and a bit of interplay and a bit of roughness, and you really get that with an audience.
    - Rory Gallagher
  • Even though I was a rock 'n' roll fan, hearing the raw blues was like listening to music on a much deeper kind of level.
    - Rory Gallagher
  • I kept playing blues-based music all during the 1980s, and it was tough.
    - Rory Gallagher
  • I've never commercialized my music. I've seen that ruin too many people who think two-minute ditties are the answer.
    - Rory Gallagher
  • I see music as a lifetime affair.
    - Rory Gallagher